After earning my 2nd degree in Business and landing my dream corporate America job, I never thought that I would be a stay-at-home mom. I loved the work that I did. Working as a consultant for almost 4 years was an experience I will never forget.
I was able to travel, meet and work with many intelligent and amazing people and learned skills I never would have imagined. My role as Business Analyst was very advantageous and fulfilling in numerous ways. When we found out we were pregnant I was so excited and just knew that I wanted to keep my career and be a mom.
When I was pregnant with Aubrey, I went to look at a daycare center that a really good friend recommended. Her son went to the daycare, she loved it and I trusted her judgement. The daycare center was great, the staff was amazing and they seemed very genuine, I loved that it was a Christian daycare, it was only 5 minutes from our home, they were very big on safety and security and everything my friend had told me about the center matched my first experience with them.
I had seen all that I needed to see and knew that Aubrey had to get into this daycare. Before leaving I asked them to send me the application and I paid the nonrefundable application fee of $250.
When Aubrey was born my world was turned upside down. The first time I held my baby girl I fell absolutely in love with her and knew at that moment I could never leave her. No amount of money that I made on my job could compare to the strong bond I wanted to make sure I developed with my daughter.
I knew in my heart that leaving her at daycare and being at work I was going to be so worried about her constantly and eventually it was going to affect my job. That nonrefundable $250 I paid for daycare was about to be forfeited.
During my maternity leave I prayed and asked God to guide me and help me with the conversation I wanted to have with my husband about me wanting to leave my job and be a full time stay at home mom.
I brought it up in conversation with my husband one day about Aubrey not going to daycare and me staying at home and his response was he thought it was very important for me to be home with her full time and have an active part in her development and he was 100% supportive of what I wanted to do. So, after almost 7 months of maternity-leave I made the decision to let my manager know that I would not be returning to work.
I am grateful to have the opportunity to be at home with my daughter and also for the unconditional support from my amazing husband. The sacrifices we have made since becoming a 1 income household are immaterial compared to the bond that I have with my daughter.
As her mom I am her first teacher and our home is her first school. This is the time that she needs me the most and I don’t want to miss any milestones of her growth. I am where God has called me to be and I make sure not to take it for granted.

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