Aubrey Ann is officially a toddler! There have been so many milestones and exciting adventures with her this past year. Watching her change, grow and discover new things has been so amazing. I’ve been reflecting lately on how fast her first year has passed and how much we’ve both grown. Here are some of the lessons that I learned in my first year as a Mom.
How Much I Can Love Someone
The first time I held my Aubrey in my arms, I knew what love was. I finally understood what it meant when someone would say, “Having a child is like having your heart outside your body.” She brings so much joy to my life and my love for her grows more every day.
I will admit that prior to having my daughter I was an extremely impatient person. I still struggle with it at times but it has become much easier. Learning to show patience in motherhood is a daily process. One thing that has definitely helped is to let go of misconception that I need to have it all together and learning to live in the moment and to give my child and myself grace.
Someone Will Always Have An Opinion
You will always have someone trying to tell you what you should be doing and how it should be done. It will be family, friends, random strangers in public and sometimes even keyboard warriors on the internet giving you their opinion of how you should raise your baby. It is so easy sometimes to get consumed in what others think you should be doing. While people are entitled to their opinions I don’t have to accept what they are saying or take it personal. I am Aubrey’s mom and I know what is best for my daughter and that’s all that matters.

I Am Stronger Than I Thought I Was
There have been and still are so many moments of doubt with me feeling like a failure as a mom because I felt like I can’t do anything right. Those moments have made me so much stronger than I ever thought I could be. No matter how tired physically, mentally or emotionally I am at times, I have been able to deal with whatever motherhood has thrown my way.
I truly learned the meaning of selfless since I have become a mom. I don’t care about the lack of sleep or the physical toll that childbirth has had on my body, my focus is on comforting, nurturing and protecting my Aubrey Ann. Life isn’t just about me anymore, everything that I do revolves about my daughter and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Prior to Aubrey being born I thought I was great at multitasking. After she was born its a whole different level and type of multitasking that I have advanced to, lol. Whether I was breastfeeding and washing clothes or talking on the phone with my mom while taking care of something online for my husbands business while also nursing Aubrey or playing with her, I have officially learned how to be calm and handle more than one thing at a time if I have to.

Enjoy Every Moment, Even The Little Ones
Even when the days seem long and hard I have learned to never to take any moment for granted. Babies grow so fast and eventually they aren’t babies anymore, so I live in the moment and make as many memories as I can with my babygirl.
Mom Intuition
Since Aubrey was a little baby I have known what each of her cries mean. Whether she is sick, tired overwhelmed or needs something, I know when something is wrong because I listen to my gut and have learned to trust my intuition. It was when I stopped listening to others and my fear that I truly could understand what my child needed. Trusting my intuition has helped to create a strong bond between Aubrey and I.
Self Care Is Important
As a mom, it is so easy to put others first and sometimes we forget about ourselves. This is something I still struggle with at times but have definitely learned that its important to take care of myself just as much as I take care of others. It’s not selfish to make myself a priority. By taking time for myself it has helped me to be more present and also to be a better parent to Aubrey.

Embrace The Mess
Since Aubrey was about 5-6 months old I have been saying that, “My motherhood is a beautiful mess.” Kids are going to be kids and we really should just let them be just that. From the toys that have somehow managed to infiltrate every room in our home, food crumbs EVERYWHERE, sticky handprints everywhere, Aubrey being extremely vocal and loud and all of the chaotic moments, I wouldn’t change a thing. I love watching Aubrey just be a kid. You learn to appreciate the mess and chaos because a messy life is a full life.
Everything Happens For A Reason
Aubrey’s birth didn’t go as planned and 5 days after giving birth I was in ICU for a week dealing with pulmonary edema. Needless to say I learned real fast that everything won’t always work out as planned but everything happens for a reason. I find the joy in every situation and thank God for the lessons I learned early on and I truly believe that He will never give us more than we can handle.

My Love For My Husband Has Grown
When I watch Danny with Aubrey it melts my heart and I fall in love with him so much more. Seeing my husband love the child that we have created is such an awesome feeling. Even after working 12-15 hour days, he comes home with the biggest smile on his face and gets in quality time every night with Aubrey Ann. I am so grateful to have a husband that loves, works hard for and will do anything for his family. My love for him has grown so much and our relationship has become so much stronger.
Comparison Really Is The Thief Of Joy
Being a new mom it was so easy for me to look at other moms and compare my motherhood to theirs. Social media was the worst when it came to comparison for me. I would look at other moms and see how happy they were in their pictures and thought they had it all together. When it starting to become depressing I took action and cleaned up my social media accounts. I unfollowed any pages that made me feel like I wasn’t doing enough as a mom or just weren’t inspiring and encouraging me. Since doing this I have come to realize that no mom truly has it all together and you can’t compare your style of mothering to anyone else’s. I have let go of the comparisons and learned cherish the joy of my motherhood.

I Am Grateful For My Mom
I am so grateful for the unconditional love and support my Mom has always shown me. Now that I have Aubrey Ann I truly understand my mothers love for me.
Motherhood is a 24/7 journey and I am grateful for everything that I have learned so far and look forward to so many more lessons, experiences and adventures with my Aubrey Ann.

I can totally relate to all this as a Mom!!