When I first made the decision to be a stay-at-home mom, I had no idea of what it was going to be like. For me in the beginning it was isolating and exhausting at times. To not have the regular adult interaction and being inside all day made me feel like the walls were closing in on me.
When Aubrey was a few months old, it was easy to care of her. She slept a lot and I was able to get stuff done around the house, lounge and sometimes even take a nap while she napped. When she became more active and started sleeping less during the day my downtime that I looked forward to went away.
As she became mobile and more aware of everything around her, those downtime days quickly got replaced with making sure she wasn’t getting into anything she wasn’t supposed to or making sure she didn’t get hurt days. Losing my downtime started to make me feel anxious and irritable and I knew that if I didn’t make a change things would just get worse.
At that point I made the decision to make some changes that I knew were going to help me stay sane and flourish as a stay-at-home mom.
Here are my habits that have helped to keep me sane and functioning as a stay-at-home mom:
1. Get Dressed Every Day
Right after my daughter was born, I would get up in the mornings, nurse her and move from our bedroom to the couch and sit in front of the television all day in pajamas. This went on for months. I didn’t see the point in getting dressed if I was going to be home all day looking after my daughter. After a while I started to feel like I had given up on myself and knew that something had to change. I realized that this was contributing negatively to my self-care.
I made the decision one day to start getting dressed everyday. This helps to set the mood for my entire day. It makes me feel better about myself and it also makes me feel more prepared to deal with whatever comes at me.

2. Get Out Of The House
I love staying home with my daughter but when cabin-fever started to kick in for me I had to make the conscious decision to start getting out of the house more. It is so refreshing and rejuvenating to get out of the house. The fresh air and being around other people has made a big difference.
3. Work On A Routine
Our days don’t always go as planned but I still try as much as possible to stick to a routine. The days that I get off routine everything seems to go screwy. Creating and maintaining a routine has given me a sense of productivity.
4. Ask For Help If You Need It
The quote, ” You can do anything but you can’t do everything”, has become one of my mottos. Being a mom has made me realize that I can’t do everything by myself and also for myself like I used to. I used to feel guilty about this and be so critical of myself.
When people say it takes a village to raise a child, believe me it truly does. It’s nice to know that you have others that you can rely on and lean on if you need help. Being a mom comes with its challenges and we can’t always face them on our own.

5. Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself
When I truly accepted that there is no such thing as a perfect mom it made me a happier mom. There is no manual on how to be a mom. Motherhood can be hard but it doesn’t mean that I am failing.
I had to stop being so hard on myself and realize that the gift of motherhood is beautiful, amazing and most importantly a blessing. My child is not perfect and neither am I, and that’s ok. Im still figuring out motherhood one day at a time, I still have lots of rough days but I know that tough times don’t last forever.
I have learned so much in these past 2 years since becoming a mother and still have lots to learn. The benefits definitely outweigh how demanding it can be at times and I have truly grown to love being a stay-at-home mom.
There is nothing better than being able to raise your family without regretting the choice and actually living it to the fullest!
I abide by each and every point there. Lately we haven’t been going out though will start that soon.
All very practical tips. I’ve followed most save for number one hahaha.
Hi it’s Brenda from RubyHemMinistries.com Everyone thinks being a stay at home mom is “easy.” Honestly, I admire it just as much as any other profession. I’m sure lots of moms will benefit from these tips. Thanks for sharing them.
After working for almost 15 years of my life I had to turn to a stay at home mom after my first daughter was born and I would not lie it was very difficult for me to adjust specially as We are a nuclear family, This post is gonna help a lot of new mums like me who need the motivation and direction. Good work ?
I couldn’t agree more with you. I went through that exact sequence of events when my first daughter was born. The starting with plenty of me time, and slowly losing it, to the learning routines to deal with it. These are some great tips, thank you for sharing!
I work from home and find it so hard to get dresses some times but I make it a priority to do it!
that picture of you and your little boy is so cute!!!! i am sure you’re doing a great job. you’re 90% of the way there with those great tips such as not being too hard on yourself. and i totally believe your tip for getting out is relevant for all of us (in covid-19 times). thanks.
Great tips! I agree with getting dressed every day…it makes such a difference. And it is so easy to not do it. I also love a routine. Life is so much better with routines.
You nailed it! These are tips I live by. It’s so important to still make sure you have a good routine in place, and as much as possible you treat being a mother like it’s your job (because it is!). Getting up and getting dressed is #1 for anyone working from home in any job. Great way to get the day started!
Great tips. There are some nuggets for me to apply now that I’m home with my kids. Im WFH but these are important tips to implement.
I so admire people that manage to be stay at home parents, I mean, thats like working 24/7… who would ever want that? π
Great tips! I think people assume being a SAHM is easy, but it’s very much not! Thanks for sharing!
So number one is always the hardest for me. I just dont feel like getting dressed some days but I can totally tell the difference in productivity when I do!
Getting dressed every day is a great start! That’s something I have struggled with in lockdown while at home with no where for my and my child to go!
Really good advice Iβm trying to be a stay at home dad in my case. And I find that getting dressed every day is a must. Because when you stay in your pajamas all day it feels like itβs a day off. And being a stay at home parent is not a day off.
This is a great list! I was a stay at home mom for many years. Now I am a single mom that works out of my home. It is a constant struggle to find balance!!!
These tips are actually staples for just getting through every day, basically, and this post was a great reminder of the power in simple things like this.
There are some really sound tips and advice here which I am sure many mums and dads will thank you for x
I knew when I had my son, that I was not the type of person to be a stay at home mom. I am a total people person and love to work, so I didn’t think this would be the kind of life for me. Due to the pandemic, I’m working remote and home with my son, so I’m getting the chance to experience it now. Fortunately he’s 9 and can entertain himself these days, but it’s still hard to get motivated staring at the same walls every day. Your tips can definitely apply to this situation too!
I absolutely love being a stay at home mom! There’s just so much uncertainty around other people being responsible for your children, I honestly feel blessed!
I believe that SAHM’s are wonderwomen. They do all.. Your tips are really great.
Such a useful post! I completely agree that sticking to a schedule always help.
I relate to this post so much!! The biggest change for me was making a routine. Even just a loose one with things to get done each day made a huge difference!
Getting out of the house for some fresh air is really good for everyone! I love it.
These are really great tips! I am a SAHM and it’s a bit stressful but your post is really helpful <3
Getting dressed in the morning is so important, no matter if you are a new mom or just staying at home for the day. It’s something psychological I think, but when you spend the day in the pajamas you can’t be productive at all.
I think sometimes I’m getting hard on myself. Maybe I should learn how to also be kind to myself. I feel like I’m being angry at myself more often.
These are excellent tips! Getting out of the house every day has been really hard because of COVID19, so making sure I get dressed everyday has been super important!
I loved this post – I experienced some similarities in my transition to being a stay-at-home mom. It’s a transition for sure, but also a wonderful gift!
Tips great! I find a routine helps me a lot!
Yes I totally agree with the getting dressed everyday. I feel so much more productive when I do. I just have to get up and dressed.
These are really good tips! Its going to be more parents stay at home more because of this pandemic.
You really nailed it, girl. Being a stay at home with or working at home mom is really tough. Doing all household chores by yourself and taking care of your kids was so difficult, but at the same time, it’s worth it.
I was on bed rest for 5 days after giving birth.when I felt better I decided to help with the chores.i bathed,did full face makeup,took photos the rested.My mom said she was glad I didn’t let one child turn me into an old woman
When you are with kids, there is no dull moment, you have provided awesome tips to stay engaged as a stay at home, these I find very useful. Thank you.
I was a stay-at-home mom for the first 6 years of my younger two kids and I couldn’t take it anymore. I needed adult interaction and to find me and got a job. Kudos to those moms who leave their careers to raise their kids for years.
Candy Rachelle
Keeping Up With Candy
Being a stay at home mom is a very tough job. Though sometimes it is really fun. Thanks for sharing.
totally agree with you! i moved from being a working mom to a sahm recently and learning to not be so hard on myself is definitely something i am still working on