April is Cesarean Awareness Month and in honor of that, I wanted to talk about a controversial topic.
It’s so sad and frustrating to know that there are some women who will argue that having a c-section is not considered “giving birth”.
My daughter Aubrey Ann is the greatest gift that God has given me.
Her birth didn’t go the way I wanted it to, but I know that having a c-section after being in labor for over 30 hours and only dilating to 3cm was the best thing I did for both my daughter and myself.
For whatever reason some people have this ridiculous idea that a c-section is the “easy way out” and not considered giving birth. I’ve received some criticism from some people about having a c-section and I know lots of other Moms who have as well.
Let me share that having a major abdominal surgery that came with a painful recovery was not the “easy way-out”.
The abdominal muscles that I rely on to simply bend over and stand had been pulled apart and separated. Taking care of your precious newborn and making sure you take care of yourself to properly heal from major surgery is not easy.
Although painful, if I had to do it all over again I would. In spite of my original birth-plan being eighty-sixed, I know that everything happens for a reason and now I’m a Mom to an amazing little girl.
Having a cesarean doesn’t make you any less of a mother. All moms have an undeniable love for their children and this is what we should be celebrating.
I have a 3 inch scar across my bikini line that tells a story. It is not something I am ashamed of. My scar is a symbol of the strength it took my body to carry my daughter for 37 weeks and 5 days.
It is a reminder of me almost losing my life 5 days after giving birth to my baby girl due to me developing Acute Pulmonary Edema,but God knew I needed to be here to raise my baby girl and he gave me life.
My scar is a part of me that I will always embrace because it was the passage that brought my beautiful baby girl into this world.
Our bodies are truly phenomenal for being able to carry life in our wombs. I will never take that for granted. Everyone has scars but because mine is in a different place than yours that doesn’t make me any less of a mother.
Always find the beauty in your scars Mama’s, because scars are tattoos with better stories.
Let’s build each other up instead of tearing each other down constantly. Being a mom is hard sometimes and we should always support each other without judgement and controversy regardless of our differences.
Happy c-section awareness month Mama’s!

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